Dienstag 8:15 - 13:00
Mittwoch 8:30 - 13:30
Donnerstag 8:30 - 13:30
Celiac antibodies in the diagnostic workup of white matter lesions. Paul F, Pfueller CF, Wuerfel JT, Egerer K, Tanczos B, Baumgart DC, Zipp F.Neurology. 2008 Jul 15;71(3):223-5
Tanczos BT, Baumgart DC. Infliximab fort he management of pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel disease: one for all? Z. Gastroenterol. 2006 Jul;44(7):609-10
Baumgart DC, Tanczos BT, Dignass AU. Biologic therapy in inflammatory bowel disease: Step up vs. top down. Bayr. Internist 2006
Endocytoscopy for the detection of microstructural features in patients with celiac sprue: a prospective, blinded endocytoscopy-conventional histology correlation study Heiko Pohl, Thomas Rösch, Barbara T Tanczos, Birgit Rudolph, Karsten Schlüns, Bertram Wiedenmann, and Daniel C. Baumgart, GUT 2009
Heiko Pohl, MD; Thomas Rösch, MD PhD; Barbara T Tanczos, MD; Birgit Rudolph, MD; Karsten Schlüns, MS; Daniel C. Baumgart, MD PhD GIE-D-08-01531R2: Endocytoscopy for the detection of microstructural features in adult patients with celiac sprue: a prospective, blinded endocytoscopy-conventional histology correlation study, Endoscopy 2009
Hautveränderungen im Alter, Barbara Tanczos, Ärzte Krone 2009
Hautveränderungen bei Diabetes mellitus, Barbara Tanczos, Ärzte Krone 2009
Sonnenlicht und Vitamin D – vernünftiger Sonnenschutz, B. Volc-Plazter, B. Tanczos, H. Hönigsmann, Stellungnahme ÖGDV 2009 - www.derma.de
Figurierte Erytheme: Nur ein Terminus technicus?, Barbara Tanczos, Clinicum 11/2010